This Saturday’s ride was from South Center in a loop around Dash Point. It was back to the rain with non-stop light rain for the whole ride. Plenty of climbing and a good workout for the legs. My pace was about 1mph slower than last year (probably due to the rain).
Month: January 2010
SIR WTS 2 – Camano Island
It was time for the yearly outing around Camano Island today. It was a bit foggy at the start but that quickly burnt off for blue skies for the bulk of the ride. The faster riders took off early on and my only further sighting of them was as I turned into the rest stop about a third of the way into the ride as they were leaving. It shows the difference riding through the year can make as my pace definitely drops off with my winter break. Still hopefully by the time the official brevet series starts and my fitness has improved a bit I’ll be seeing more of them 🙂
Great ride today and a nice chat with Rene who I rode with for the later half of the ride. My thighs were burning for the last 5 miles or so but other than that felt pretty good at the pace I was going at.