Back to the Burke Gilman Trail

I’m getting back into cycling shape in preparation for  the summer SIR Brevet series which will kick off next month with a 200k on July 25th. I took a couple months off around Ethan’s birth but am feeling the lack of exercise (and the body is showing it as the weight creeps up).

So far my rides have mainly consisted of my daily commute to work but I’m trying to get slightly longer rides in on the weekend.

Today was a return to the Burke Gilman trail for a ride out to Marymoor Park and back. I haven’t done this in a couple years (as the BG is not the smoothest of rides with all the tree roots pushing up the pavement). I remember bonking big time on this ride back in 2006 when I did it with Christian.

This time around I was able to hold a 17.3 mph average pace riding my fixed gear for the 56 mile ride (an improvement of a couple mph since my last time).

I’m planning on riding STP again this year with Christian (and hopefully his brother Clint as well). Today’s ride went well enough for me to stick with my plan to ride it on my fixed gear.


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