New saddle

No riding for me this weekend as Susan’s away and so I’m full time juggling kids activities, from dance recitals to birthday parties.

I did manage to install my new saddle this morning. I’ve taken the plunge and decided to try a Brooks saddle (a hand made leather saddle from an English company which seems to be the saddle maker of choice for many randonneurs) . The idea is that this rock hard saddle molds to your body once broken in and is extremely comfortable. It’s meant to take at least a couple hundred miles though before it’s bearable so let’s hope it’s worth it.

Sheldon Brown’s website describes it as “The Professional series is most appropriate for vigorous cyclists who set their handlebars somewhat lower than their saddles. The leather is a bit thicker than other models, making the professional a little slower to break in, but making it the most durable model.”

First test will be on my Monday commute. We’ll see how much I’m hobbling around the office afterwards.  I’ve two weeks before a 300K so hope to have it ready by then. I’m generally averaging 100 miles a week at the moment.

Team Professional


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