Yesterday evening saw some blue sky and a break from the rain of the past week so I headed out for an evening social ride with the Native Planet crowd. I got to see and chat with some familiar faces from last years rides. The ride started from Green Lake and did a short loop over to the UW and then back along the Burke Gilman and up Stoneway. I went up and over on 65th St. to the start so got a nice little bonus hill in.
All familiar territory from when we lived over in Wallingford but just nice to be out and about.
My new saddle wasn’t tightened enough so ended up moving on me as the ride went on. I had to stop at one stage and reposition it. I’m still trying to work out the best position and tilt for it but it certainly hasn’t been as uncomfortable so far as I thought it might be from all the horror stories of the breaking in period. (Though it’s only been 1 day so far)
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