Learning to Ride

A momentous day yesterday as Ashley started down the path of learning to ride without training wheels as part of her school’s cycling program. I took the pedals of her bike in the morning and we walked it up to school (her sitting on it for part of the way and pushing herself along).

After school she, a couple other kindergarteners, and of course Caitlin on her 3 wheeler, met up with her PE teacher to start practicing. They started by pushing themselves along with their feet (with the seat down as low as it could go) and got the hang of balancing by gliding for progressively longer distances. Once they get the hang of that the pedals will go back on and they’ll start really tearing around the school playground.

Ashley was delighted with herself as she glided for longer distances. (Though was hyperventilating a bit with nervousness at some stages. 🙂 )

Here are some action shots.

Pre ride briefing

Pre-ride briefing (spot the sister on the 3 wheeler)

Ready to go

Delighted with herself

Gliding Practice

Stabilizing hand

Gliding Practice

Downhill glide

Gliding Solo

Gliding along


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