The Bike Expo was on this weekend and I went along to it with Christian in the morning. Of course, we rode our bikes there. It was in a new location this year on the waterfront so most of the ride was along my daily commute.
We hung out there for a while admiring some nice bikes and gear on display. A lot of exhibitors and I ran into various people I know from the assorted clubs I ride with.
Saturday night saw my first exposure to Rockband. I went around to Clint and Kristeen’s place to rock out with them and Christian and Jennifer. Susan was on kid duty (she’d headed out the night before so fair’s fair).
We rotated through the instruments and vocals to an assortment of songs from “Roxanne” by The Police (which I sang with an under appreciated falsetto 🙂 ) to Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs to some more hard core rock offerings.
Pretty cool game!
The lads in fine form.
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