I registered for the Cascade 1000k last night, lining up the final step for optimal positioning for pre-registration for PBP next year. The larger the rides you do in 2010 the earlier you can pre-register for PBP in 2011.
It was a toss up between doing the official Cascade 1200 or doing the Cascade 1000 + RUSA permanent #413 (260k). You ride the same course but get slightly different credit for it depending on which combination you decide on. I still kind of want PBP to be my first official 1200 and the 1000 will also count towards the Randonneur 5000 award which would be another nice accomplishment to get lined up in conjunction with PBP: http://www.rusa.org/award_r5000.html.
Here’s the course:
and the various mountain passes
(Images from Robert’s blog)
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