Category: Swimming

  • First run of the year

    The whole family headed out to a local running track and we ran/walked/jumped around it at our various paces for my first run of the year. Just did 8 laps to ease my knee into taking the impact (around 2 miles). I’m feeling faint twinges tonight but hopefully as long as I slowly ramp up the mileage and let my feet get accustomed to the custom orthotics from last year I’ll be able to get this running under control for the half marathon distance needed for the 70.3 triathlon.

    As a bonus we all got in a quick swim this afternoon as well following swim suit buying for Susan and new goggle buying for me (Swedish goggles). Hopefully these ones won’t leak as much when I’m doing lap swims.

  • First swim of the year

    I went swimming last night at Ballard Pool for their Master’s swim class. An hour is a long time in the pool going back and forth and my feet started cramping during some of it. I was doing the ‘B’ workout and even then had to cut some parts out.

    One of the drills is just using your legs to kick while holding on to a board. I seem practically stationary doing this so obviously some work to do.

    One interesting thing I found was that I was averaging 20-21 strokes per length initially but once I started focussing on reducing that I got it down to 17 or so which one would think must be more efficient.

    A long way to go before I swim 1.2 miles in open water later in the year!

  • New Year – New training goals

    So with the start of 2009 it’s time to start laying down some sporting goals for the new year.

    I’ve decided on the Lake Steven’s 1/2 Ironman in August as a primary objective for the year, (1.2 mile swim + 56 mile bike + 13.1 mile run). It’s the main race in the area for this distance and should be a good intro into the sport. It’s also a world championship qualifier so should get some top notch competition to measure myself against. I registered today so am now committed!

    Other secondary objectives which will depend on our growing family commitments are

    1) Completing a Super randonneur series (200/300/400/600k) in 2009

    2) Riding the GoldRush 1200k in July in CA (to finally get a 1200k under my belt)

    3) Running the Seattle marathon in November

    Longer term objectives are a full Ironman in 2010 and a fast PBP in 2011 (Charly Miller) …