Native Planet – Issaquah Snoqualmie (40 miles)

The weather was great today so I decided when I got up to see if I could find a ride to join. The Native Planet group were heading out at 9:30 from the east side so I decided to see if I could make it over to that one. However, by the time I’d kept my promises to the girls on the various things they wanted to do this morning I was running pretty late and got to the start about 40 minutes after everyone else had left.

I decided to see if I could catch them up and headed out to follow the cue sheet by myself. It was a great route with some nice climbs but the only sighting I had of my fellow riders was in the car park at the finish. Oh well, at least it got me out on a nice route today.

(As a follow up ride this afternoon, Ashley and I took the tandem over to the beach. She did great and helped power up the long hill from the beach car park without any complaint or rest. When we last used the tag along for the same ride we stopped 3 times going up that hill. It was funny riding over when Ashley decided she wanted to tuck her leggings into her socks to protect them. I could see via her shadow that she was just resting with her feet up on the down tube as she pottered away tucking first one leg and then the other in as I pedalled away).


One response to “Native Planet – Issaquah Snoqualmie (40 miles)”

  1. Janet Avatar

    Sweet image of Ashley. Keep pedaling the two of you.

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