PBP Results & DVD

This weekend I received a package from the Audax Club Parisien, the organizers of PBP, with a result booklet and DVD commemorating the 2007 ride. I was very impressed with the amount of time and effort that had been put into creating these.

Reading through the booklet with its blurbs written by each of the participating control towns and huge teams of volunteers it brought back just what a great level of support there was to help put this ride on. It also broke down the results into a myriad of statistics, from average ages, where people abandoned, finishing times, etc… The DVD was also fun to watch as it documented the ride from start to finish with shots of various riders along the way and interviews on the course. It did a good job of capturing the feel of the event and bringing back some good memories.

Roll on 2011 and the next occurrence of this event!


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