On Saturday I decided I’d join the NP ride starting out at Logboom Park. I left the house at about 8:30am to ride over to the start for 9am and arrived to find no one there. A bit puzzled I decided I might as well just keep riding out to Redmond and then go home so at least I’d get in a bit of a workout. Put in a pleasant 50+ miles with blue skies and little wind and got home to check my email to work out what might have happened.All references to the ride had it starting at 11am. Humm, I’m not sure were I got 9 am from. Oh well at least I got a ride in.
Next weekend sees my first official brevet with a 300k starting down at Olympia. I missed the 200k a couple weeks ago as Susan was away so this will be a bit of a leap in distance from my rides so far this year. Will see how it goes. If nothing else my saddle should be broken in by the end of it.
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