Thursday Hill Ride (Native Planet)

Undaunted by the 400k coming up on the weekend I decided to go along to the weekly Thursday evening Native Planet training ride with my fixed gear bike.

It was pretty interesting riding it on the route, which has a lot of steep hills. Quite a change from doing it with my triple. The downhills were pretty tough as my legs had to spin at a high rpm to keep a decent speed so I didn’t fall behind too much. Going up I managed not to be at the back but had to zig zag up the steeper climbs to avoid walking.

With each climb labeled with an appropriate name like, Death Threat, Guillotine and Goat Hill you can take it that there are some decent pitches to ascend.

My legs were fine during the group ride and for most of the way home to Ballard but they cramped up just before getting home as I went up a hill after crossing Aurora. I’d run out of electrolyte drink a good while back so I guess I needed more to fend off the cramps. My left leg seized up completely and I got off the bike to stretch for a while and then gingerly rode the last couple miles home.

A good 50 odd mile workout.


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