So 2010 is coming to an end and with it my biggest mileage year to date. A grand total of 5176 miles, just pipping 2007 which was my first year of active randonneuring.
2011 brings with it another PBP year and roughly 5000 miles of official SIR rando rides possible (that’s on top of commuting and any other club rides I choose to do). Suffice to say I won’t be doing all of those rides but it does present an nice selection of options in the year ahead.
Official Randonneuring Results for 2010
MCKEE, James | Seattle International Randonneurs | 947018
2010 ACP SR, annual total=3569 km
Km (Date)
100 (2010/02/28) Spring Populaire
200 (2010/03/20) Bellingham 200k
300 (2010/04/03) Bellingham 300k
200 (2010/04/25) Northwest Crank 200k
400 (2010/05/15) Bremerton 400k
600 (2010/06/05) 4 Passes 600k
1000 (2010/06/26) Cascade 1000k
261 (2010/06/29) Cascade 261k
100 (2010/07/10) Summer Populaire
300 (2010/08/07) 3 Volcanoes 300k
108 (2010/08/29) Mountain Populaire
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