Northwest Crank (Day 4) – Lake Chelan

I rode out along the west side of the river to Lake Chelan with most of the group. We had a double paceline going into the wind which made good time. Then we fragmented once we turned into Navarre Coulee road for a nice climb on quiet roads up to the lake. I arrived there over an hour ahead of schedule, for meeting Susan and the kids, so pottered around at the SIR food stop for a while until they arrived. Then headed into a nearby campground with a play area for the kids to run around and explore.

Eventually left to ride back by myself along the way I’d come. Unlike last year, this year I actually had a tailwind all the way back which made the ride much more pleasant than the slog at the end of the 200K last year.

All in all, a good way to end 4 days of riding in the sun.

Lake Chelan

Mileage: 76 miles

Average Speed: 15.8 mph

Elevation Gain: 3860 ft

Day 4 Elevation


One response to “Northwest Crank (Day 4) – Lake Chelan”

  1. willisweaver1 Avatar

    All sounds like a good 4 days.

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